Juan Carlos has been awarded with a prestigious Conex Plus grant funded by the European Comission and the UC3M.
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Juan Carlos has been awarded with a prestigious Conex Plus grant funded by the European Comission and the UC3M.
Jose organizes with Shmulik Ososvki and Ankit Srivastava an Invited Session at COMPLAS 2021 on Plastic instability and fracture in ductile materials!
Jose organizes with Tiago dos Santos (UFSM), Ankit Srivastava (Texas A&M), Shmuel Osovski (TECHNION) and Rodrigo Rossi (UFRGS) a Mini-Symposio.
A new paper has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Plasticity.
A new paper has been accepted for publication in Mechanics Research Communications
The group has completed the seven peaks trail!
To get your questions answered or ask for aditional information, please contact us: