The mechanics and physics of dynamic localization and fracture in heterogeneous ductile materials

The purpose of THEORE3M is to identify the mechanisms which control localization and fracture in ductile heterogeneous materials subjected to high strain rates. We will carry out the micro- and macro- mechanical characterization of different metal-matrix composites that will be modelled with different multiscale approaches. Multiscale constitutive models will be implemented in finite element codes to simulate various dynamic fracture experiments that will be specifically designed and performed in THEORE3M. Namely, we will carry out: (1) plate-impact experiments, (2) dynamic shear fracture tests and (3) ring expansion fragmentation experiments. This research effort will integrate the unique capabilities of the USAF through its Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL/RX), the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, to couple experimental and computational resources to address this critical need.
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