Scientific Collaborations

- D. Rittel holds a PhD in Materials Science (1988) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- He spent 2 years as a postdoc at Yale University working on the fracture of tungsten base heavy alloys, followed by 3.5 years at Ecole Polytechnique (France), working on experimental dynamic fracture mechanics. He the joined Technion (Mechanical Engineering) in 1994 where he founded the Dynamic Fracture Laboratory.
- As of today, D. Rittel holds the Zandman Chair in Experimental Mechanics and heads the Materials Mechanics Center.
- D. Rittel was the Clark B. Millikan Visiting Professor in Aeronautics (2007) at Caltech where he holds a Visiting Associate position, and incumubent of a Catedra de Excellencia at UC3M (Madrid) in 2012, where he is now Honorary Professor. He is also Adjunct Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology.
- Throughout the years, D. Rittel has has developed expertise in the many aspects of dynamic failure, including fracture mechanics, constitutive behavior, dynamic failure mechanisms and numerical modeling. He is a Fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- D. Rittel’s interest is in the thermomechanics and physics of dynamic failure with regard to dynamic fragmentation, fracture, adiabatic shear banding and hysteretic heating. In addition, D. Rittel is active in the field of biomechanics of dental implants. As of today, he has co- authored about 170 journal publications.
- Dr. Rittel is Associate Editor of Mechanics of Materials, the International Journal of Engineering Science, the International Journal of Impact Engineering and Defence Technology.
- In 2015, D. Rittel was awarded the prestigious Gili Agostinelli Prize (Torino Academy of Sciences, Italy), and in 2018 the B. Lazan SEM award for his work on adiabatic shear localization.

Oana Cazacu
- Oana Cazacu graduated from University of Bucharest (Romania) with a joint B.S. and M.S. in Applied Mathematics in 1990, and earned a Ph.D. and Habilitation degree (HDR) from University of Lille, France in 1995 and 2004, respectively.
- She is currently Charles E. Taylor Professor in the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of Florida.
- She is Editor of the new Plasticity of Materials book series very recently launched by Elsevier, Associated Editor of Mechanics Research Communications (Elsevier) and International Journal of Material Forming (Springer).
- Her main research interests lie in theoretical and computational solid mechanics with focus on multi-scale modeling of plasticity and damage in textured metals.
Major contributions include the development of widely used anisotropic criteria for lightweight metals, now included in the built-in materials library of commercial and academic finite-element codes. - She has authored 1 book, 13 book chapters, edited and co-edited 4 books, and she has 87+ papers in refereed international journals, over 60 articles in proceedings of international conferences, 90 invited lectures in international conferences and research institutions (18 plenary or keynote lectures).
- She has been recipient of visiting chair professorships in Europe (e.g. University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris-Sorbonne), University of Lille; Univ. of Lorraine, France), and Australia (Swinburne University).

Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska
- Dr hab. Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska, Associate Professor at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT) in Warsaw, Poland.
- She received there her PhD (2001) and habilitation (2012) in Mechanics, both with distinction.
- She has specialized in micromechanics of composites and polycrystalline metals and alloys, microstructure evolution, as well as analytical methods of description of material anisotropy.
- She is the author or co-author of three monographs and 35 papers in leading international journals, participant in international and national research projects of which three were coordinated by her.
- Currently she is an IPPT representative in H2020 MSCA-RISE project QUANTIFY coordinated by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
- She delivered 7 invited lectures (1 general) at international conferences and is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Engineering Transactions.
- Recently she has spent four months at the University of Lorraine (LEM3) as a visiting professor.

Sébastien Mercier
- S. Mercier obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (1997) from University of Metz. In 1998, he became Assistant Professor in University of Metz. Actually, Sebastien Mercier is professor at Université de Lorraine and member of the LEM3 laboratory.
- His topic of the researceh conducted in LEM3 is mainly devoted to the dynamic behavior of materials, more preciselly, shear banding, multiple necking and in the recent years, we mainly focused on the dynamic behavior of porous materials. In addition, we are conducting researches in close cooperation with a SME Cimulec to understand the reliability of printed circuit board. To reach that goal, a vritual commun laboratory, LEMCI, has been founded recently by the National Agency for research in France (ANR).
- S. Mercier was already involved in several european projects : in a network of excellence KMM NoE in FP7 (2004-2009), an eureka euripides project (BoB 2010-2015).
- He is member of a H2020 ITN Marie Sklodowska Curie project, named OUTCOME.
- He is the co-authors of around 40 peer review papers. He is reviewer for several journals including JMPS, IJSS, MOM, IJF….
- He has been invited for giving lectures in Bucarest (Simon Stoilov institute), in Warsaw (IPPT), in Madrid (University of Madrid), in Volta Redonda (UFF, Brasil), in Liège (University of Liège, Belgium).
- He delivered a plenary lecture in the Solmech 2012 Conference (Warsaw).

Ankit Srivastava
- Ankit is currently an Assistant Professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Texas A&M University, College Station.
- He was a postdoctoral research associate at Brown University from 2013-2015.
- He completed his graduate studies from University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
- During his graduate studies he received two Master of Science degrees, one in Materials Science and Engineering in 2011 and another in Physics along with his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 2013.
- Prior to starting his graduate studies at UNT he worked at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, a premier nuclear research facility in India.
- His research interests lies within Mechanics of Materials with a strong focus on microstructural mechanics of ductile materials.
- Ankit is a recipient of 2017 Haythornthwaite Foundation Research Initiation Grant awarded by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME and 2016 American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator Award.

Alain Molinari
- Alain Molinari is professor of solid mechanics at the University of Lorraine where he developed all his academic career and was jointly “professeur chargé de cours” at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau-Paris) during 14 years. He spent five years abroad, mostly in the USA (3 years). He was visiting professor at Brown University (Providence), the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, Pasadena), the University of California at San Diego, the San Diego State University, and the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). He also worked at the Hamburg-Harburg University (Germany), the Institute of Fundamental Studies of Warsaw (IPPT), the University of Western Australia (Perth), the Institute of Mathematics of Bucharest and the University Carlos III of Madrid.
- His research on high strain rate phenomena was initiated during a sabbatical leave at Brown University (Providence, USA) in 1981 where he was introduced to the fascinating problem of adiabatic shearing by Rod Clifton and the late Jacques Duffy. On his return to France, he was one of the two founders of the Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Materials (now LEM3, a laboratory with now about 100 permanent staff) at the University of Metz. During about 30 years he was head of the group “dynamic loading and extreme conditions” in this laboratory.
- He has worked on various fields of solid mechanics. His research on high strain rate phenomena comprises the theoretical analysis of dynamic failure by strain localization (dynamic necking and adiabatic shearing), the multiscale modeling of dynamic damage by micro-voiding with applications to spalling and dynamic fracture and the analysis of phase transformation under impact loading. He has studied the structure of shock wave fronts in polycrystalline materials, laminates and granular chains. He brought forward new constitutive models for the quasistatic and dynamic response of metallic materials. The multiscale approaches that he proposed for the modeling of the viscoplastic response of polycrystalline materials are used worldwide and applied to materials such as metals, semi-crystalline polymers and geo-materials (ice and rocks). Motivated by practical applications of his fundamental research in dynamic plasticity, he has developed a new modeling of high speed machining, an industrial process that provides important gain of productivity. The complex process of chip formation and the analysis of the dynamic friction at the tool-chip interface have been analysed by theoretical and experimental means. His research interests include also porous materials, powder metallurgy, spark plasma sintering and nano-cutting.
- He obtained the “Grand Prix de la Recherche des Universités de Lorraine” (1981), was awarded the Millikan distinguished professorship at Caltech (California, 1996), was distinguished scholar and Gledden Senior Fellow at the University of Western Australia (1995 and 1997), has received the Spiru Haret Award of the Romania Academy of Sciences (jointly with Prof. C. Faciu in 2008), was awarded a chair of excellence at the University Carlos III of Madrid (2009 and 2011) and received the 2012 Dymat John S. Rinehart award for “Seminal contributions to the theory of dynamic deformation and damage of materials”.
- He has organized or co-organized several conferences on high speed machining and metal cutting, mechanics of phase transformation and material instabilities, and is author and co-author of more than 200 research papers and co-editor of one book.

Tiago dos Santos
- Tiago dos Santos is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil). He obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in 2016.
- Tiago has published peer-reviewed articles in JCR-indexed journals, such as IJP, IJES, IJMS, MOM, and IJNME. Furthermore, he has submitted and presented works in both national and international scientific conferences.
- He has been working in the field of computational solid mechanics, focusing on the constitutive and numerical modeling of metallic materials subjected to dynamic loading. His main research interest is on the development of theoretical and numerical constitutive models to account for the main features evidenced in metallic materials subjected to high strain rate conditions.
- Tiago has collaborated with the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group since 2018, working on the modeling of dynamic cavitation problems considering dense and porous ductile metallic materials.

Shmuel Osovski
- Shmulik graduated from the Technion Israeli institute of Technology with a doubleB.Sc in materials science and chemistry. He has then continued to a M.Sc. degree in with Prof. Moiseyev in quantum chemistry before becoming a researcher in the IDF.
- Shmulik has gained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng. working with Prof. Rittel on the microstructural origin of adiabatic shear localization.
- Following a 2 years post doc at the University of North Texas with Prof. Needleman and Prof. Williams, Shmulk has joined the Mechanical Eng. faculty at the Technion where he his now an Assistant Professor. Shmulik's research interests lies within Mechanics of Materials with a strong emphasis on the combination of experimental and computational techniques to relate the effect of microstructural heterogeneities on the mechanical behavior and failure of structural materials.

Christophe Czarnota
- Christophe Czarnota obtained a PhD in Mechanics (2006) from University of Metz. After having spent 1 year as an Research Engineer involved in a network of excellence KMM NoE in FP7, he has worked for 1 year as an Associate Professor at Arts et Metiers ParisTech. In 2008, he became Assistant Professor in Ecole des Mines de Nancy, GIP InSIC Saint Dié des Vosges, being a member of the LEMTA laboratory in Nancy. During a 4 year period, Christophe has developed analytical and numerical approaches for machining processes and cutting tools behavior.
- In 2012, Christophe became Assistant Professor in University of Lorraine and member of the LEM3 laboratory. He received his habilitation in Mechanics of Materials in 2018. His main research activities cover the dynamic response of porous materials, numerical simulations of high strain rate phenomena and construction of numerical RVEs for validation of homogenization approaches. Other research interests are PCB reliability and development of specific numerical tools (cooperation with a SME Cimulec), Multiple Necking, modeling and numerical simulation of machining processes.
- Christophe is a member of the H2020 MSCA-ITN/ETN project OUTCOME coordinated by Universidad Carlos III of Madrid.
- Christophe is the University of Lorraine’s representative in H2020 MSCA-RISE project QUANTIFY coordinated by Universidad Carlos III of Madrid.

Konstantin Volokh
- Konstantin Volokh earned his Ph.D. in mechanics of materials from the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in 1991.
- He joined the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral fellow in 1994 and became a faculty member in 1999.
- Professor Volokh works in the broad field of mechanics of soft materials including biological tissues with emphasis on modeling failure and fracture.
- He authored and co-authored 100+ technical papers in the refereed international journals and Springer published his book “Mechanics of Soft Materials” in 2016.
- Professor Volokh is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics and he is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the new journal Mechanics of Soft Materials.

Ignacio Romero
- Ignacio Romero is a senior researcher at IMDEA Materials Institute and Professor of Solid Mechanics in the Mechanical Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid. He obtained his Engineering degree from the Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid in 1995, a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 1997, and a PhD from the University of California in Berkeley, in 2001.
- He has been a Fulbright scholar and a recipient of a "Ramón y Cajal" Grant from the Spanish government. In 2011 he was awarded the 2011 Zienkiewicz medal from the Institution of Civil Engineering (UK) for his contributions to computational mechanics. During 2012 he was a visiting scholar at the California Institute of Technology.
- His research interests include computational nonlinear solid mechanics, nonlinear structural mechanics, multiscale material modelling, and fluid/solid interaction. He has published 50 peer reviewed articles and book chapters, participated in over 75 conference talks, and given invited seminars at universities in Europe and the US. He is the main developer of a finite element code and Muesli, a publicly available library for material models.

Nicolas Jacques
- Nicolas is associate professor at ENSTA Bretagne (Brest, France) and member of the Dupuy de Lôme Research Institute (IRDL).
- Nicolas Jacques obtained a PhD in Structural Mechanics in 2004 from the University of Metz and a Habilitation degree (“Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”) in 2012 from the University of Brest.
- His research topics are related to the modelling of high strain-rate phenomena, including damage and fracture, plastic flow instabilities and shock wave propagation, and of fluid structure interactions.
- He has co-authored about 30 peer-review papers and participated in numerous international conferences.

Federico Sket
Federico Sket is a senior researcher at the IMDEA Materials Institute and head of the “In-situ processing and mechanical characterization of materials" Group. He obtained his Engineering degree at the National University of Comahue, Argentina (bachelor thesis at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria) in 2006 and a carried out his PhD at Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research (Germany) and defended it at Bochum University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, (Germany) in 2010. In 2010 he joined IMDEA Materials Institute.
His research interests include the investigation of microstructural changes of engineering materials due to mechanical deformation and/or processing conditions. The material characterization is aided by the development and use of unique devices for in-situ characterization (e.g. room and high temperature tensile/compression/fatigue/creep, thermal fatigue, dynamic mechanical behaviour, controlled atmosphere furnaces, etc.) that can be coupled with advanced characterization techniques, such as fast X-ray radiography, X-ray tomography and X-ray diffraction, to provide information in four dimensions (4D) of the microstructure, deformation field, damage development, degradation, processing conditions, etc.