The NSM group is formed by 3 young faculties of the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis of the University Carlos III of Madrid. At present, 4 students are carrying out their PhD theses under the supervision of the members of NSM.

José Antonio Rodríguez-Martínez
Head of NMS Group
- Dr. Rodríguez-Martínez holds a position of Associate Professor at the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis of the University Carlos III of Madrid, where he is the head of the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics group.
- He has co-authored more than 50 per-reviewed papers that have been published in renowned journals of Solid Mechanics: JMPS, IJP, IJSS, MOM, IJES, PRSA… and participated in numerous international conferences and workshops where he has delivered various invited lectures.
- Dr. Rodríguez-Martínez has been chairman of 2 international symposiums devoted to the dynamic behaviour of solids and structures, and has organized thematic sessions in several international conferences.
- He has been awarded in 2017 with an ERC Starting Grant which aims at unravelling the mechanisms which govern the fragmentation of metallic materials at high strain rates. Moreover, he is currently the coordinator of two other European Grants (consortiums), within the framework of the H2020-MSCA actions, to study, in collaboration with researchers of different European and American institutions, the flow behavior and fracture of engineering materials subjected to extreme loading conditions.
- The main topics of research Dr. Rodríguez-Martínez are the constitutive modelling of metallic materials at high strain rates, the analysis of plastic instabilities and fracture in ductile solids subjected to dynamic loading, and the large amplitude vibrations of nonlinear elastic structures.

Guadalupe Vadillo
Staff of NSM Group
- Defended her doctoral thesis in 2007, which was awarded with the Extraordinary Doctorate award of the UC3M in 2008 and with the Third Prize in the Annual Competition of Doctoral Thesis organized by the Association of the Mechanical Engineers of the Autonomous Region of Madrid.
- She has published 18 per-review papers and she participated in 18 conferences.
- She mentored 4 Masters Students and she is currently supervising 3 PhD Students.
- Professor Vadillo is leader of a WP in the project OUTCOME.

Mohammad Marvi-Mashhadi
- Research associate, awarded doctorate with “cum Laude” in 2018 in Engineering of Structures, Foundations and Materials by the UPM.
- Researcher with over seven years of experience in fields like virtual design of Materials , multi-scale modelling, mechanical characterization, numerical modeling and stochastic geometry.
- He has published 7 peer-review JCR papers in renowned journals of Solid Mechanics and Material Science. Moreover, he has developed simulation tool called “MULTIFOAM” which is commercially available.
- He has participated in national and international projects.
- He is currently working on the PURPOSE project.

Juan Carlos Nieto-Fuentes
- Dr. Nieto-Fuentes holds a PhD in Mechanics of Materials from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, where he graduated in December 2019. He worked with Prof. Daniel Rittel and Prof. Shmuel Osovski on the thermomechanical response of metallic materials subjected to dynamic loading.
- During his doctoral studies, he was a Marie-Sklodowska Curie ITN-ETN Early Stage Researcher, under the framework of the European Union H2020 project OUTCOME. During this period, he was a visiting researcher at the University Carlos III of Madrid, and at the LEM3-ParisTech (CNRS 7239) laboratory in Metz (France).
- Dr. Nieto-Fuentes’ research centers on a better understanding of the material mechanical behavior, through a combination of experimental techniques and analytical/numerical tools, ultimately leading to the future development of tougher and safer materials.

Komi Espoir N'Souglo
Komi Espoir N’souglo was born in Lomé (TOGO) where he started, in 2011, his engineering degree program in the field of civil engineering at the National Superior School of Engineering (ENSI-LOME-TOGO).
In 2014, he was selected in a student exchange program with the National Engineering School of Metz (ENIM-FRANCE) where he obtained, in 2016, a double degree: mechanical engineering and master of research focused on mechanics of materials which provided him with a strong background in solids mechanics.
In 2016, he joined the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics group as an Early Stage Research in the OUTCOME project on the topic named “Modelling dynamic necking instabilities in metallic ductile materials: the roles of porosity, tension- compression asymmetry and anisotropy” and successfully defended his PhD in December 2019.
Since January 2020, he is working as postdoctoral researcher in the Purpose Project in the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics group.
Broadly speaking, his research deals with the analytical and numerical modelling of plastic instabilities in ductile metals.

Navab Hosseini
- Navab Hosseini is a PhD student of mechanical engineering at UC3M university. He is also an early stage researcher at Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group in the PURPOSE project. His research interests are Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Damage Mechanics, Plasticity and anisotropic behavior of materials.
- He holds a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering-production & manufacturing from Shahid Rajaee University of Tehran where he obtained strong background in experimental mechanics. He has also finished his master degree in mechanical engineering at Shahid Rajaee university, during which he Developed advanced plasticity models for forming applications
- Currently, His work focuses on constitutive modelling and implementation of the anisotropic Damage models into FEA software packages.

Anil Kumar Murlidhar
- Anil Kumar Murlidhar has joined as PhD student in Mechanical Department at UC3M and early stage researcher at Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group in the purpose project.
- He has completed his Bachelor degree in Aerospace in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
University Coimbatore. He did his Master’s degree in Aerospace in IIT Kanpur and worked in
the area of composites.
- Currently, He is going to work on the topic of Multiple localizationand fracture in printed
metallic rings subjected to dynamic expansion.

Vishnu A.R.
- Mr. Vishnu A. R. has joined as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis of the University Carlos III of Madrid. He is also an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the Nonlinear Sold Mechanics group in the PURPOSE project.
- Vishnu obtained his bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Calicut, India and his master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, specialized in Aerospace Structures from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), India. His master’s thesis was on the ‘Characterization and micromechanical analysis of prepreg based discontinuous composite materials’, wherein he developed the expertise in experimental and computational mechanics. He has been working as a Research Scholar in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur on the ‘Modeling and prediction of compressive strength of unidirectional
fiber/epoxy composites’, till he joined UC3M.
• His Ph.D. objective is to analyze the collapsing of thick walled cylinder to access the mechanisms which control the localization and fragmentation behaviors of additively manufactured materials.

Manjunath Dakshinamurthy
- Mr. Manjunath Dakshinamurthy is a PhD student and Marie Curie early stage researcher (ESR) in nonlinear solid mechanics group, department of continuum mechanics and structural analysis, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
- Born in Bengaluru India, he holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from visvesvaraya technological university India and master’s degree in material science and simulation from ICAMS Ruhr University Bochum Germany.
- Mr Dakshinamurthy's research interests are Numerical modelling, Computational plasticity, Ductile damage, Crystal plasticity.
- Currently, he is working on developing numerical models to study void growth and coalescence in single crystals and polycrystals.

Pilar Fernández-Pisón
- Pilar Fernandez Pison is a PhD student at the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group of the University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) working in the Doctoral Student Programme at CERN (Switzerland) within the framework of the ITER Project.
- She studied Aeronautical Engineering in the University of Seville (Spain) and carried out her master thesis in the Physics of Fluids Group at the University of Twente (Netherlands). Afterwards, she did a one-year internship at CERN in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Group.
- The main objective of her PhD is the development of a constitutive model for the strain-induced martensitic transformation in nitrogen-strengthened stainless steel at cryogenic temperatures. This study is of great interest in the context of high-field superconducting magnets since their structural components are mainly built from the named steels.

Sarvnaz Hashem Sharifi
- Sarvnaz Hashem Sharifi is a PhD student at the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group of the University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain).
- Sarvnaz obtained her bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Iran and two master’s degree in Industrial Mechanics, which was heavily research-focused program, and Mechanical Engineering and Transportation from the University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain).
- In her master thesis, she was working on the effect of inclusions on the ductile behavior of metals and from that, she was familiarized with the important concepts of the behavior of materials such as void growth, void coalescence, etc.
- Her research interests are behavior of materials, plasticity and damage mechanics.

Thomas Virazels
Thomas Virazels joined the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group of the University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) as a PhD student.
Thomas completed two master’s degrees at INSA Toulouse (France) focused on Mechanical engineering industrialization and on Mechanical engineering research.
His master’s thesis has been coupled with an internship at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). He has been able to work on physical properties (mechanical and thermal) of Carbon NanoTubes (CNTs) micrometric wires properties under extreme conditions such as high radiation doses or high temperature.
The aim of his PhD is to give a better understanding of high velocity impact phenomenon such as spall fracture or ring fragmentation.

Laura Fajardo
Project Manager
- Laura Fajardo received a Bachelor Degree in Economics from UC3M in 2016 and a Master Degree in Promotion and Management of International R&D Projects and Activities from UPM in 2019.
- She has worked in research management since 2015, first providing support to European and International funded research projects at UC3M. Then, working at the section responsible of National and Regional funded research projects at the same institution.
- She was the Project Manager of OUTCOME GA-675602 (MSCA-ITN-ETN 2015). She is currently the Project Manager of QUANTIFY (MSCA-RISE 2017) and she provides support to researchers in the management of their ERC-STG Projects PURPOSE GA-758056 and LOLITA GA-714161.
The group has 5 on-going competitive grants on these topics, 2 National and 3 European, including an ERC Starting Grant.
The members of NSM collaborate actively with researchers from different prestigious institutions of Europe, America and Asia. These collaborations have led to numerous joint publications in renowned journals of Solid Mechanics such as JMPS, IJP, IJSS, PRSA …
In addition, the group organizes regularly conferences and symposiums, workshops and thematic sessions in international congresses.
The NSM also makes efforts to carry out technology transfer activities and works with various companies of the aerospace and civilian-security sectors.
Senior Researchers

Raúl Herrero Moreno
MSc in Mechanical Engineering with more than 20 years of experience in aeronautical, space and defense sectors.
Teacher of Engineering Graphic Expression in the Degree of Mechanical Engineering at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
Test Manager in CEiiA Test Center since 2019.
Professor Herrero was involved in the project OUTCOME from industrial company Aerosertec.
Project management activities, test structural FEM simulations, quality assurance, and research and technological developments.
Test projects participation for Airbus-TMD: A380 Dummy Elevator for HTP test (2003), A380 Main Landing Gear Doors Full Scale & Fatigue test (2005),A400M HTP Full Scale and Fatigue (2005) and Ground Vibration Test (2006), A350 Wing Landing Gear Door Full Scale Test (2007), A350 Spoiler Full Scale Test (2008), A350 Wing Lower Cover Sizing (2012-2013), A330 Pylon Fatigue test (2016)
Research and Development projects: Spanish funding (Innterconecta, Retos, Cien, Coincidente) and European funding (H2020, Cleansky, MSCA-ITN)
Former PhD Students

Damián Aranda
- Damián Aranda-Iglesias carried out his MSc and PhD degrees, between March 2014 and June 2017, in the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (NSM) group of the University Carlos III of Madrid. His research, supervised by Prof. Rodríguez-Martínez and Prof. Vadillo, focused on the analysis of large-amplitude nonlinear vibrations in elastic structures.
- During his PhD, Damian completed research stays at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) and the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel). He worked as teaching assistant in the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis, published 6 papers in scientific journals and participated as speaker in several international conferences.
- Since June 2017, Damian works as R&T Associate in the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). He is involved in the development of new materials for tires in collaboration with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.

Javier Reboul
- Javier Reboul carried out his MSc and PhD degrees, between September 2013 and September 2018, in the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (NSM) group of the University Carlos III of Madrid. His research, supervised by Prof. Vadillo, focused on numerical and analytical modelling of void growth and coalescence in ductile materials.
- During his PhD, Javier completed a research stay at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He worked as teaching assistant in the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at UC3M, published 3 papers in scientific journals and participated as speaker in several international conferences.
- Since November 2017, Javier works as a Staff Engineer in Principia Ingenieros Consultores. He has participated in projects concerned with structural dynamics and advanced modelling of concrete, primarily in relation with the ITER fusion facilities. He has also contributed to various studies dealing with fracture mechanics and fatigue in metals and concrete, to the numerical analysis of industrial equipment subjected to complex thermal and mechanical demands, and to the simulation of core/cladding extrusion processes of polymers.