Espoir defended successfully his PhD Thesis last Friday! Congratulation!!
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Espoir defended successfully his PhD Thesis last Friday! Congratulation!!
Laura attended on November 26th to a training about Intelectual Property. The training was given by Pons IP and it took place on the Foundation the Knowledge Madri+d.
Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska has visited the group this week
Before attending IMECE 2019, Jose and Ankit visited the inspiration point of Bryce canyon national park… And right after started to write a new paper!
Espoir has submitted his Ph.D. Thesis! A beautiful work entitled “Modelling dynamic necking instabilities in metallic ductile materials: the roles of porosity, tension-compression asymmetry and anisotropy”.
The group celebrating the success we had in the European Researchers Night! Great dinner!
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