A new paper has been accepted for publication in Acta Mechanica
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A new paper has been accepted for publication in Acta Mechanica
We had a great discussion with a fantastic committee. Thank you to Professors Daniel Rittel, Sebastien Mercier and Teresa Perez-Prado!
Jose is visting Tiago, working hard on modelling dynamic indentation, and enjoying the beautiful landscape of Brazil
The video prepared by the Common Dissemination Booster of the European Union is upload to our YouTube channel. It shows the activities developed by the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics group in three European projects: OUTCOME, QUANTIFY and PURPOSE. Do not miss it!
Jose will deliver an invited lecture in the workshop Dynacomp organized by IMDEA Materials. More information about the workshop here!
Check out the latest Physics Buzz entry, where Juan Carlos "hits the iron"...!!!
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